Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing a Class

Our FATOWL class journey features a range of classes suitable from newborn right up to age 5. To help you decide which class is right for us, you can look at the information under Class Journey at the top of this page, or contact us.

Siblings go free

To book a free sibling spot, please contact

Black Friday vouchers

To use a Black Friday voucher  please contact

Booking a Class

Go to “Book” at the top of any page on this site, or click here.

Click Find Lessons. This will take you to the Lesson Finder:

Enter your Post Code or Location or select Use My Location.

You can search just using Location, or select Show More Options to filter your requirements further:

Select the Category of class you are looking for
Select the Level of Class you require
Select the Day you are free for lessons
Select the maximum Distance you are willing to travel
Press Search
Results shown are the venues closest to you.

The icons represent:

Green = Venues with classes available
Red = Venues that don’t currently have classes available that match your preferences
Click on the Venue Name to open up a list of the Classes available there
Results shown do not include classes that are currently fully booked. If you would still like to see these classes and maybe book onto a Waiting List, select Include Fully Booked Classes.

Scroll through the list to find a suitable class and proceed to booking.

3D Secure Payment Authorisation

Why am I being asked to Authorise my payment?

A very small percentage of card payments (less than 0.01%) taken via our system require further authorisation. This is due to the security options applied to the Customer’s card.

What is 3D Secure?

The Strong Customer Authentication regulation in Europe requires the use of 3D Secure for card payments. For extra fraud protection, 3D Secure requires customers to complete an additional verification step with the card issuer when paying.

Authorising the Payment

When you make a card payment that triggers the 3D Secure authorisation, the booking/payment will be completed as normal, but you will then be presented with the Payment Authentication screen.

Once logged in to your account, you will be prompted to authorise any outstanding payments.

Please Note: You will not be able to navigate away from this page until outstanding payment authorisations have been completed.

When you click Authenticate, you will be presented with a pop-up window asking for live authorisation of the payment. This pop-up is provided and managed by your card issuer