explore music, Dance, Yoga and creativity with
your toddlers/pre-schoolers.


This unique blend of a class designed by FATOWL offers a whole new experience of fun for your child. The moves and sequences offer support in every area of their development – physical, cognitive, social and emotional. The class will provide an opportunity for you to exercise and have fun with your child, promoting strength, flexibility and balance, with relaxation to contrast with energetic activity.

At the end of each class you will also have the chance to chat to fellow parents and relax over a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit while your children play.

Why Choose a

So much goes on in a GROOVES class to support your little one’s development, all while they have fun! Our classes are designed to support the development of physical skills, social skills, musicality and more.

We support your child’s creative confidence, decision making and learning of concepts such as number and colour.

"These classes are awesome! my son and i are having so much fun and it makes my heart sing to see him having so much fun. "

Laura - mum of 1